
Apple m1 adobe indesign
Apple m1 adobe indesign

There are even some apps and features designed specifically for Apple products such as iPads.

apple m1 adobe indesign

With the tight integration between Apple technology, it’s easy to move from one device to another within the Adobe Creative Cloud. You can simply install the programs and begin work. One advantage with Mac computers is that they typically use high-end hardware right out of the box, which means you don’t necessarily have to worry about knowing how to troubleshoot. Some like the user-friendly interface and are used to it, and some like the seamless integration between Apple technology. Both Have Strengthsīecause of the longstanding Mac tradition, some designers prefer to work exclusively with Apple products. Since the late 90s, Adobe has been developing the apps for Windows and Mac side-by-side. Although its programs were initially designed on and for Macs, Adobe transitioned to developing programs for both operating systems fairly early on. These days, you can build or customize a Windows computer that’s equally as or even more powerful than what comes standard in a Mac.Īdobe has also gone through different packaging for its products. The quality has become much closer between the operating systems. In the years since, technology has grown and evolved. Designers were using Mac with Adobe programs long before they were using them on Windows, and many people continued to prefer it because of the quality. It wasn’t until 1993 that it became available for Windows, and even then, the quality wasn’t as high as it was on Macs. Photoshop soon followed in 1990 as an Adobe program available exclusively for Mac. At the time, the Mac was the only computer with a good enough color display and strong enough operating system to run the new program. When Adobe Illustrator, then called Illustrator 88, was released in 1986, it was designed on and for a Mac computer. A Short History on the Windows or Mac Debate

apple m1 adobe indesign

Both have their own strengths, and these days, both can run the Adobe programs well if they meet or exceed the requirements set out by Adobe. With advances in technology, what matters most when choosing a computer is that it has the right specifications and hardware, not what brand it is.īut, as with most things, there’s history in play for the Windows vs.

apple m1 adobe indesign

The longstanding debate of whether to choose a Windows or Mac computer to run Adobe Creative Cloud is less important than it used to be.

Apple m1 adobe indesign